In Finland there is a Boreal Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, woodland grazing and wood pastures with cows and sheep, chicken or bee keeping in orchards.
In Hungary there is a Continental Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, presence of trees for the micro-climate regulation.
In Poland there is a Continental Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, presence of trees for the micro-climate regulation.
In Spain there is an Atlantic Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, better tree design to promote adequate crop development and deliver biomass for renewable energy production.
In France there is an Atlantic Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, optimising system design (tree arrangement…) at landscape/watershed level (water and climate regulation, soil conservation…).
In Portugal there is a Mediterranean Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on, for instances, crop/animal species choice for a sustainable regeneration of ‘montado’ AF systems.
In UK there is an Atlantic Climate and agroforestry systems design are based on tree/crop/livestock combinations based on livestock (ruminants and monogastrics), cereals, fruit and horticulture, timber and wood fuel.